Operation Garage Sale

Wow, I can't believe it's been a week since I've written anything! I've got to get better about this. I haven't had anything exciting going on, but I have been tackling a huge project.

Every time I go to Mom's house, I'm overwhelmed by how much stuff she has. Her house has accumalated 20 years of pots, pans, knick knacks...you name it, she has it. We are planning to have a garage sale in two weeks, but there are so many cabinets that need to be cleaned out before that happens. So I made up my mind this week that we were gonna do it. We were going to tackle every room in her house a day at a time and clean it all out.

The last three nights I have gone over there as soon as I get off work and worked until about 9:30. We started in the kitchen. And we're still in the kitchen. We loaded about 12 boxes of stuff for the garage sale, scrubbed down the inside of all her cabinets, cleaned the refrigerator out and we still have work to do tomorrow.

So, with the cleaning and organizing going on, I am completely exhausted every night when I drag myself to bed. This week is nothing but work, but I will feel so good when we have this project behind us.

Speaking of work my job has been picking up a little. I'm about to finish up my first little publication and I'm happy with how it's turned out. Things are feeling more comfortable every day.

Well, that's all I've got today. I've got to rest before I get back to Operation Garage Sale.


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