Random This and That

Well, I'm on Day 2 and so far my New Year's resolutions are going strong. It's been discouraging to see how much I've digressed in Crossfit the past few months because I've been lazy. But I'm going to push through it. There's nowhere to go but up!

I don't have much today but a little bit of randomness from the past month. 

1.) Erin, my friend and roomie is a high school teacher and sometimes the stories she comes home with are the highlight of my day. The other day, she sent me this series of text messages that were too delightful to keep to myself. For purposes of this story, it's important to know that Erin went to college at LSU. 

She sent me this picture,
followed by this text.

Gotta love it!

2.) While someday I should dedicate a post to my most infamous ditzy moments, the stories my family loves to tell, today I'll share my most recent incident.

Last week, I was housesitting for someone and in my defense, I was not familiar with the driveway. It was also raining and I was running late for work. I backed out the driveway and tried to judge the edge of the driveway with my mirrors instead of actually turning and looking. All of a sudden, I heard an awful, scraping noise and my car was stuck, wouldn't budge. I started freaking out because I just knew I'd scraped the side of my car down the brick retainer wall.

I jump out and run around the car and no, I didn't scrape against the wall, I backed completely over it!

While it doesn't look so bad from this angle, here's a view of my back rear tire.

My back tire was completely hanging over the wall and the car was resting on the brick wall. I wasn't going anywhere. Fortunately, my brother-in-law, Mitchell was still in town for the Holidays, so he came over and helped. One suburban and a rope later, he pulled it off the wall. I'm so glad there wasn't any damage to my car, but I can add this to the list of I-can't-believe-I-did-that. And it wasn't very fun telling the homeowners about their brick wall.

3.) I don't have another random story at the moment, but this list looks better with 3 instead of 2, so there you go.


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