Weekend with Framily

It's been a busy, but fun weekend. Katy decided to come in for a week, so we had a good weekend hanging out. On Saturday night, we went to True Vine for a few hours. A cold front came in, so the weekend was in the low 90's with a breeze and no humidity. Can't really ask for more than that around here.

Jack stayed cool with his own personal fan.

On Sunday, we had lunch at my grandparents, and then drove around the pasture for a little while since the weather was so nice. 

After his nap, Jack helped us get ready for Haley, Steven, and the rest of the framily to come over. 

And he had fun climbing through the cabinets.
He better enjoy the fun while these newly-remodeled cabinets are still empty. 
We had dinner on the patio and played games until late into the night. These kind of evenings are fewer than they used to be and made me realize how much I've missed it. 
It was a great weekend and Katy is here for the rest of the week. I've scheduled a few days off work, so we can squeeze in some fun.


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