Good News!

Today is a great day, because today I can finally say...I got a job! And they want me to start in a few days! 

I went for an interview last week, and I didn't share it with many people because I was so afraid of failing again. Even though everything looked promising when I went for the interview, to be honest, I'd come to a place where I'd given up hope. But God is good and does good, even when it's not the timing we would have chosen. 

This season has been hard, but it's been good. About six months ago, a friend asked me to finish the sentence "my life is like...". My immediate answer was "my life is like a treadmill; I'm running but getting nowhere." Today, I am happy to say that I'm not in that place. God has jolted me out of the complacency that I felt I was stuck in. 

This job is better than the one I had, all around. I'm grateful for that. But more importantly, I'm thankful for the journey I've been on the last 5 months and the change that's taken place in me. I've taken the time to search myself, really think about what I want out of life and I've found the courage to go after it. I've addressed a lot of fears and doubts I've carried within me. I've opened up to some broken places in me and confronted them with counseling. I feel more whole, ready to embrace what's ahead and ask more of life. 

For this new job and new season, I pledge to be all there. When I'm at work, I'll be there, giving 110%, even when I don't feel like it. I will get up early and prepare for my day. I will not live life frantically and rushed. I will smile more and build relationships. I will work toward grad school and refuse to lose my momentum. I will see this job as a stepping stone to something better, not my final destination.

Outside of my professional life, I will look at life as an adventure. I'll travel more, be a better friend, and invest in community. I'll find joy in the small things, enjoy the fall weather, take time to have fun, be more committed to my cross fit training and nutrition, and spend more time mentoring. 

I'm writing all these things down in my little joy journal, because they are all important to me and I want to hold myself accountable. I'm so excited about what lies ahead and can't wait for this new journey!


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