The trash can saga

Last week, I said that I wasn't embarrassed about my neighbor taking out my trash, but to be completely honest, I'm kind of embarrassed. I feel like he must see me rushing off to work every morning, always a hot mess, and think "bless her heart". And when he rolls out his trash every week and sees my driveway, void of any trash can, he must shake his head and thing "that girl just can't get it together".

So this week, I was determined to be responsible. Oh yes ma'am,  I was going to take that trash out, even if it's the only thing I remembered! On Monday morning, I'm rushing out the door for work, it's pouring rain, I'm talking a downpour. But I trudge through the rain, in a dress and heels, and I take that trash out. I was so proud of myself for being a responsible adult. 

It wasn't until about noon that I realized it was President's day, so the trash route wasn't running. 

Bless her heart.

I didn't get home until late that night and you know what? My neighbor had taken my trash can back to my storage shed for me. So I don't know if maybe I should just give it up? Admit failure in this one area in my life and let my neighbor take care of me? Maybe I'll try setting a reminder on my phone. We'll see how that goes.

To be continued...


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