I could have been killed!

I mentioned I spent the weekend house-sitting, but I was also dog-sitting. The family has a small terrier and he's very cute. There is a doggie door on the back of the house, so he comes and goes as he pleases.

The other night, I was calling for him and I could hear him at the back of the property, barking and yelping like he was in pain. So I went out there in the dark to see what was going on. I could only make out shadows, but he was hysterical and wouldn't back away from the fence line, thrashing everywhere.

At first, I thought he was stuck in vines around the fence, but then I realized I was hearing a growl that wasn't coming from him. There was another animal!

 I ran inside, got a flashlight and went back out there. I shine the light down there and what do I see with teeth bared, face-to-face with the dog? A possum. (Yes, I know, it should be opossum, but that looks weird). 

Can I just say, possums freak me out. To me, they look like demons. Or at least what I imagine demons to look like. And have you ever seen one with teeth bared, on the attack?

The possum was almost as big as the dog and they were going after each other. I was afraid to grab the dog's collar because I was worried the possum would bight me. So I spent an absurd amount of time screaming at the dog and trying to loop a leash around his neck, which wasn't working. 

Finally, the possum disappeared and I seized the moment to try and catch the dog. I'm bent over next to the fence trying to catch him, when I look up to see the possum perched on the fence right above me, hissing and growling down at me. Yep, I think possums may actually be demons. What if he'd jumped on me!

Finally, after chasing the dog all over the back yard, I caught him, dragged him in the house and blocked off the doggie door. 

I checked him over and you'll all be happy to know puppy was fine.

Looking back, this story sounds kind of funny, but trust me, it was scary. I could have been maimed by a possum! Or killed! I've decided if we have another run-in with the possum, I'm letting the best one win!



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