This, That and a Little Advice

Well, not much to report around here, but I thought I'd drop in since I'm trying to be a faithful blogger. Yesterday I got up early and went to the gym - high five for me! Then I had a long day at work. It was a Monday.

Then last night, I went to my friend Sarah's because she has a new sales job and she wanted to practice her presentation with me and some of our friends. So I went over there for dinner and listened to her presentation. After that I went home, watched tv and convinced myself that my to-do list wasn't really that long and I could put it off for another day or two.

This morning, I slept through my alarm and woke up 30 minutes before I had to be at work. Miraculously, I pulled myself together in time for work and I don't think you could even tell I had just rolled out of bed.  I had a hair appointment at lunch and now my hair is cute and ready for vacation.

I don't know if I've mentioned this in blog world, but I am involved in a mentoring program. I've mentored a seven year old girl named Parys for a year now. We usually spend one evening together a week just hanging out.

Since the first time I met her, she's begged me to take her to Chuck E. Cheese. I hate Chuck E. Cheese. Loathe it. But I didn't have the energy to come up with anything creative this week, so I finally broke down and took her there tonight.

She was thrilled and I survived. For one child, my cheapest option was $20 for a handful of tokens and pizza that tasted worse than a Great Value brand pizza from Walmart. I'm not exaggerating about that.

And how did I manage to go there without taking hand sanitizer with me? Ugh, that place is disgusting.
The only highlight of the night was getting to overhear a job interview taking place in the booth next to me. "So, why do you want to work for Chuck E. Cheese?"

Seriously? Just give the poor kid the job. As if asking all these stupid questions for a job at Chuck E. Cheese wasn't enough, the manager made this pimply-faced kid run around the room and scream CHUCKE! And then my whole night was redeemed.

And now I'm at the end of my post, but I feel the need to mention something that happened to me last night. I fell asleep with a Crest White Strip on my teeth and woke up this morning still wearing it. Just a little advice to all of my avid blog readers out there; don't do that unless you want your teeth to hurt very badly.

Good night, ya'll.


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