2013, Let's Do This

I spent New Year's weekend catching up on all the resting I missed at Christmas and it was divine. Everyone needs a few days every now and then to stay in pajamas, eat leftover Chinese food and watch movies. I went back to work Wednesday and I'm slowly trying to ease myself out of my New Year's weekend coma. Next week is going to seem so long when we go back to working 5 whole days in a row!

I've decided to start my New Year's resolutions on Monday. I know resolutions are a set up for failure, but ya'll, these are important to me and I'm really going to try hard. And what's that saying about better to try and fail than never to try at all? So here goes:

Resolution #1: In 2013, I'm going to be in the best shape of my life. Yes, I know I'm not alone in this resolution, but this is going to happen. In the past, I have had great success at eating healthy and I've been successful at my workout regimen, but I never seem to get both in sync for longer than a few weeks. So in 2013, the year I turn 30, I want to make a habit of eating healthy and working hard. I'm going to be more dedicated to my Crossfit training and I'm going to train for a few runs this year. Wish me luck, I'll need it!

Resolution #2: Finish reading the entire Bible. I started one of those read the Bible in a year plans last year and I didn't finish. So I'm going to start where I left off. Who says a resolution can't last 2 years?

I have many other hopes and aspirations, including travel plans, continuing education and such, but these are the only two I would classify as resolutions. I guess it's the worrier in me, but I have to admit the start of a new year causes some anxiety in me. What if it turns out to be a hard year? A year is plenty of time for things to fall apart. But I won't let fear steal my joy. As much as I struggle with this, I'm going to rest in knowing that whatever the coming year holds, God is faithful and he will not change like shifting shadows. 

That's a promise for the new year. 


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