It's so hot...

I don't like to complain about the heat because it's Texas, so what good will it do to whine? It's pretty much a given, August will be 10 degrees hotter than hell; get over it.

But ya'll, I can't help it. It's so hot, there's nothing to do but sit in the air conditioning in front of a fan or stay in the pool. It's so hot I'm refraining from posting temperature gauge pictures on Facebook. It's so hot, I don't even care if my thighs look fat in shorts.

I have leather seats in my car, which means my seat turns into a slip and slide of sweat every time I get in it. I can't take the trash out without breaking a sweat. And I don't even want to bother with makeup because I'm sweating in right off.

Basically, I'm tired of sweating. Thanks for listening.


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