Try, Try Again

Wasn't it just a few weeks ago I was committing to getting up early, not living life frantically, and all that stuff? For a couple weeks, I was sticking with that and it felt awesome. I was getting up early in the morning, working out, getting things done and getting to work early. I was using my time effectively, so that when I had free time, I could enjoy it. I really liked the new, improved version of me.

But somewhere, I've fallen off the wagon. The last couple weeks I've found myself back in my same routine. I hit the snooze button, miss the gym, run late for work, don't have time for breakfast, and the list goes on. Then I get home, and instead of tackling my to-do list, I sit on the couch, thinking about all the things I need to do, but putting them off. Please tell me someone can relate to this.

I'm back to feeling rushed and frantic, putting everything off until the last minute. I hate living life frazzled.

I know in some areas I'm being hard on myself, but mostly I'm just lazy.

The thing is, when I'm living at such a frantic pace, I don't have time to live in the moment. I don't enjoy my morning cup of coffee because I'm rushing out the door. I don't have time to sit in the quiet of the morning and enjoy the stillness. I don't notice the simple pleasures in every day because I'm too busy playing catch-up. And all this running is making me tired.

So, barely a month in, I'm recommitting. I am going to get it together. Starting today, I will use my time wisely and stay organized. This is something that's important to me and I'm going to work on it. My hope is confessing this will hold me accountable. I'm determined to change this bad habit!


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