Tex is Toast

Well, it's been a really long week and I just haven't had the energy to write. But I'm happy to report that I have made great progress this week on getting up early and using my time productively.

I've had a stressful week at work. Technically, I'm still on a 90 day probation period, which will be until the end of November. So as that time draws closer, I guess I'm just starting to worry if I'm fulfilling their expectations. I'm still adjusting to a new work environment and how everyone operates and it's been discouraging at times. I still feel like an outsider.

I'm also feeling anxious about leaving for a week to go on the cruise. What if they decide while I'm gone that they don't need me after all? I'm sure most of my worrying is unfounded. I think I'm slightly paranoid after being unemployed for five months. That's usually the way it goes with me, if I don't have anything to worry about, I'll find something!

In other news, since my trip to the state fair last Saturday, poor Big Tex has gone on to the Fair in the Sky! Apparently, he had an electrical short in his boot and caught fire. Visitors noticed smoke coming out of the top of his hat and within six or seven minutes, he had completely burned down to his skeleton! This year was his sixtieth birthday. Now I wish I'd taken a picture with him on Saturday. But who knew it would be the last time I'd see him?

Warning: these images are graphic in nature.

I think he at least deserved a funeral.

RIP, Big Tex. You will be missed.


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