I love Chuys

My weekend started off with a call Saturday morning from the my bank's fraud protection department. Apparently, someone at a Walmart in Orlando, Florida tried to charge $200 to my debit card. Fortunately, my bank was kind enough to deny the charge and freeze my card.

After I verified that I was not in Orlando and had not shopped at Walmart, the fraud protection lady went through my last 10 charges to verify I had made them. Ya'll, I love Mexican food like any true Texan, but I realized I might have a problem when 4 of my last 10 charges were to Chuys. Listen, you're not allowed to judge me unless you've had the creamy jalapeƱo sauce. 

On Saturday afternoon, I stopped by Lowes to see  if they had any hydrangeas in stock. I've wanted to buy a hydrangea plant for months, but couldn't bring myself to spend much money when there's a 90 percent chance I'll kill it. So as I was browsing the aisle, I saw they had a few hydrangeas left and they looked so sad. I mentioned it to the manager walking by and he agreed they needed a home soon, so he marked them down 75 percent. I got a hydrangea for 5 dollars, which in case you don't know, is pretty cheap! And yes, I know the fact that I'm so excited about a plant makes me sound like a mamaw. Dear nineteen-year-old self, 29 is exciting!

Sunday after church, I laid out by the pool for a little while. I was already sporting a sunburn on my chest from Memorial Day, but my legs could use some sun. So I was careful to keep my swimsuit cover on so only my legs were getting the sun. Well, apparently my cover was too sheer because I ended up with this weird, dotted sunburn through my coverup. Yeah, I think I'll need to reschedule that dermatology appointment coming up.

On Sunday night, I went to a "favorite things' party and it was so much fun. Basically, everyone brought 5 of the same item. It could be anything they really liked, but the budget was $5 dollars on the item, $25 total. So we went around the room and everyone showed what they brought and why they liked it. Then we traded names and everyone left with five different things. It was a lot of fun and inexpensive. I think I'm going to try it for a Christmas party next year. 

So that was my nice little weekend. I'm enjoying my weekends and soaking up these summer days before it gets miserably hot. 


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